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What does my child’s PE/MUSIC grade mean? In PE and Music, we give multiple warnings before signing the book unless it is a major offense. Students in grades 2-6 see us for 45 minutes every other day, while students in grades K-1 go to PE and Music for 22 minutes each day. Because the time is so brief, signing the book during this time is rare. The expectation is that with reasonable behavior, your student would never have to sign the book - yay! Since no one is perfect and people have bad days, some may sign once and this is no cause for alarm. We ask for parent support with those who frequently disrupt class and whose behavior limits their success in PE and Music.
E - Student participates in class with positive attitude and follows behavior expectiations with little to no redirection.
S - Student requires moderate redirection and has signed the book at least once.
N - Student is not responding to redirection, has signed the book multiple times and behavior hinders success of the student and/or the students around him.